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Live what matters and transform your life, 

your work, our world.


All individuals and organisations have a unique living intelligence within them. Worked with skilfully, this is a radically creative resource. Fresh insight emerges, natural energy is unleashed and we enter a more collaborative and ecological relationship with life.


I experience this whether coaching leaders, supervising teams, counselling with personal life issues or supporting change in complex organisational systems. When we tap into the inherent vitality and knowing available, so much becomes possible.


If we are to create a truly generative society, I believe it will be by bringing out the creative and alive sense of who we are - as individuals, as organisations and as communities in relationship with life around us. It is a privilege to continue to practice in and evolve this field of work. I look forward to hearing from you if you would like to explore further.




Working with organisations, we design and co-produce bespoke facilitation, coaching and training interventions to support purpose-led cultural and structural transformation. 

Our approach is strength based, whole person, and living system oriented. 







One-to-one leadership coaching, team coaching and supervision, aimed at supporting high performing leadership and team functioning at executive/ board level, and across organisations.  







Skilled facilitation and training to meet a range of needs for leaders, teams and whole organisations. These may be held in the workplace or other venue of choice. 







A supportive space to bring any life question or issue. Conversations are oriented to support you to become aware of the natural intelligence and wellbeing within you, and let this guide you in your life.

Adele also supervises practicing soul counsellors and spiritual counsellors.




Work with Adele


Adele began her career in business and brand building with Procter & Gamble in South Africa, the UK and Switzerland. A strong interest in applying holistic approaches to life and work led her to learn, practice and teach in leading edge social, cultural and ecological education and experimentation with the Findhorn 

Foundation and Lorian Association. 

Adele has extensive experience in supporting individuals, leaders and teams to connect with their natural living intelligence, and bring this into life and work. She draws on a variety of strength based, whole person and whole system approaches and has a natural capacity to work in an intuitive and emergent way. Through supporting the executive team of the Findhorn Foundation in leading a whole organisation purpose-led cultural and structural change process, she experienced the living-systems nature of organisations and is inspired by the transformation and contribution working in this way brings to the world. 

Zimbabwean born and South African raised, Adele now lives in north Scotland. She works mainly in the UK, traveling further afield for projects where there is a good fit. 

About Adele
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